Wednesday, July 31, 2019

The Concept of Globalisation

There are a plethora of factors that have played a role in influencing world politics in the 20th century. There are the political ideologies, each with their own agenda, conflicting or similar, such as Communism, Fascism, Nationalism, Capitalism and Socialism. There are the various worldwide treaties and agreements, such as the Treaty of Versailles, the League of Nations and the United Nations. Accompanying these are economic agreements, which have an ever-increasing role in world politics, like the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT), the World Trade Organisation (WTO), the World Bank, the International Monetary Fund (IMF), plus regional trade agreements and customs unions such as the North American Free Trade Area (NAFTA), the European Union (EU) and the Asia Pacific Economic Community (APEC). Even the two World Wars have had an influence. However, the single force that has had the greatest impact on world politics in the 20th century is Globalisation. Globalisation is a concept with many differing definitions. Bayliss & Smith (1998, p. 15) define globalisation as the ‘intensification of worldwide social relations which link distant localities in such a way that local happenings are shaped by events occurring many miles away and vice versa. † Globalisation is a process that entails the movement of capital, goods, services and labour around the world. Globalisation is the massive control of the world†s economy by big business, transcending national boundaries. The underlying factors in all of these definitions are that globalisation involves worldwide integration of both political and economic ideals. Furthermore, Strachan (1998, p. 159) argues that it involves legal and cultural integration also. But does such integration undermine a country†s sovereignty? Can such integration be achieved without violence and conflict? In order to answer these questions, this essay will examine the driving forces behind globalisation, its downfalls and cultural adaptability. Globalisation is an ever-increasing force, even today, as technological advances literally make the world smaller by increasing communication and decreasing travel times, or what can be referred to as the ‘Communication Revolution† (Durst, 2000, p. 5). Through massive and rapid improvements in the Information Technology industry; telecommunications, exponential increases in computing power coupled with lower costs and the development of electronic communications and information networks such as the Internet, communications are now possible almost instantaneously between any two points on the globe. The threads of global web are computers, facsimile machines, satellites, monitors and modems-all of them linking designers, engineers, contractors, licensees and dealers worldwide (Sims, 1989, p. 21). Physical distance is now irrelevant. This improvement of communications this century from sailing ship to satellite has contributed directly to the globalisation of the world†s economies and political systems (Rimmer, 2000, p. 3). This has taken place across cultural and physical boundaries, effectively eliminating the capacity of countries to isolate themselves from the rest of the world. A prime example of this is China. For most of its existence, China has kept its doors closed to the rest of the world. No outside influences reached China and it remained unchanged and untouched. In recent times however, China has relaxed its legislation to accommodate foreign investment and trade. Its economy has improved and new information on how to do things more efficiently has been introduced. Borders no longer act as boundaries, especially with respect to the movement of information and finance. Furthermore, borders are becoming increasingly difficult for governments to define and maintain. Regional conflicts are arising everywhere; Sierra Leone, the coup in Fiji, Chechnya, Southern Lebanon and Kosovo. As a result, national governments are being forced to redefine their roles, responsibilities and policy relationships. Thus, globalisation has raised fears that the sovereignty of nation states is being undermined. If sovereignty can be defined as the ability to exercise control without outside interference, then nation states are clearly experiencing diminished sovereignty. Governments have no choice but to recognise and work on the assumption that most issues they are required to deal with are affected by or will affect the international competitiveness of the country. Government†s own responses to globalisation or the search for joint solutions to global problems have further effects on sovereignty. Participation in international organisations or the adoption of international agreements puts limits on policy options available to governments (Rimmer, 2000, p. 5). Instead of independence, the world is now pursuing interdependence. Proponents of globalisation argue that unilateral action is not the most effective way to achieve policy goals. In combating environmental problems and international crime, the interests of individual nations can only be protected by collective action. This belief has led to competition between countries on almost all fronts. International investment is encouraged by the activities and mobility of multinational corporations, meaning that most domestic policies such as education and training, taxation, social protection, economic regulation and labour legislation have become international. Even a country†s domestic management policy is a matter of great concern to its trading rivals, because this will ultimately affect a country†s efficiency and competitiveness. Therefore, government policies must increasingly be made more consistent with, or competitive to, those of their trading rivals. Robert Reich is a strong supporter of globalisation, publishing the book entitled ‘The Work of Nations†. In his book, Reich argues that it is already too late to stop globalisation. His view is supported by Joan Spero, US Under Secretary of State for Economic Affairs, who states that capital now moves around the world with startling speed. Each day over US $1 trillion is traded in a global foreign exchange market that never closes. (Spero in Strachan, 1998, p. 156). Reich (1991, p. 112) argues that there is no such thing as an American product anymore, giving the example of an ice hockey stick. It is designed in Sweden, financed in Canada, assembled in Cleveland and Denmark out of alloys patented in Delaware and fabricated in Japan and finally distributed in North America and Europe. There are many criticisms of globalisation and Edward Herman (1999, pp. 3-5) classifies his criticisms into a number of categories. Two of those are that, firstly, globalisation is undemocratic and secondly, that it is an assault on labour. In the United States, public opinion polls showed the general public was against NAFTA, even after incessant propaganda, but the mass media supported it and it was passed. In Europe as well, polls have shown persistent majorities opposed to the introduction of the Euro, but a powerful elite supports it, so it moves forward. Globalisation has been a tool serving elite interests. This contradicts the democratic and egalitarian utopia that these regions have been relentlessly encouraging during the 20th century. Globalisation has also steadily weakened democracy because the containment of labour costs and scaling down of the welfare state has required the business minority to establish firm control of the state and remove its capacity to respond to the demands of the majority (Herman, 1999, p. ). One of the main objectives of Transnational Corporations (TNC†s) movement abroad, for example Nike manufacturing shoes in Korea, has been to tap cheaper labour sources. Labour is often cheapest, and least prone to cause employer problems, in authoritarian states that curb unions and enter into virtual joint venture arrangements with foreign capital, as in Suharto's Indonesia and PRI's Mexico. Once again, this directly contradicts government†s agendas. Publicly, politicians speak out in support of foreign aid, human rights and equality, while behind closed doors they are endorsing and funding TNC†s operations that exploit cheap labour in third world countries. Another criticism of globalisation is that it is against the very nature of culture. Culture derives its diversity from the differences between different human communities and the distinctions between their respective geographical roots and historical experiences. Globalisation disregards these factors and ultimately aims to treat the entire world population as if they have the same tastes, personalities, customs, traditions and language, through a universal government system. If this were to be so, the world would be a very boring, robotic, monotonous place, devoid of any form of culture. The ramifications of this are wide-ranging. Diversity, variety and room for change are lost and forgotten. Identities of oneself are lost; ‘I† is replaced with ‘we†. Power is placed into the hands of a select elite few, very oligarchic and undemocratic. If a group of countries were to unite under a common government, equality would not be established. Such a grouping would encompass a wide spectrum of political views, ideologies, religions, races and colours. Instead of one whole body, there would be many minority groups. This transfers an unequal balance of power throughout the states. As the regional conflicts in East Timor, Yugoslavia and Chechnya have shown, conflict shall arise. There are too many barriers to overcome which only leads to frustration and violence. A Commission on Global Governance (COGG) has been established since 1992. In a report published in 1995 entitled ‘Our Global Neighbourhood†, the commission argued that countries have to accept that in certain fields, sovereignty has to be exercised collectively (Strachan, 1998, p. 155). Once again we have a contradiction in terms; by definition, collective and sovereign are exact opposites that are mutually exclusive. Having stated all the above criticisms, it is important to mention that there is no perfect system in society today that is capable of running a country absolutely efficiently. In fact, conflicting ideologies often correct each other. Communism corrects the equality problem of democracy and democracy corrects the problem of efficiency of communism. By choosing one system or the other, up risal and discontent from the people is inevitable. But is it possible to combine the two? Hitler and Mussolini argued that fascism was the ‘third way†; an alternative to capitalism and socialism. However, fascism led to the death of more than six million Jewish people, so it justifiable to be wary of anyone offering a third alternative. So globalisation has had the greatest impact on world politics in the 20th century, mainly because of the technological advances in telecommunications and information technology. This is most likely to continue through this the 21st century. The criticisms of globalisation are that it undermines sovereignty, exploits third word countries and is undemocratic. However, there is no feasible alternative at this time and globalisation is already well-spread and embedded in economics and politics. For now, the world will just have to go with it.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Marketing Environment Essay

The Marketing Environment Learning Objectives 1. Describe the environmental forces that affect the company’s ability to serve its customers. 2. Explain how changes in the demographic and economic environments affect marketing decisions. 3. Identify the major trends in the firm’s natural and technological environments. 4. Explain the key changes in the political and cultural environments. 5. Discuss how companies can react to the marketing environment. Chapter Overview In order to correctly identify opportunities and monitor threats, the company must begin with a thorough understanding of the marketing environment in which the firm operates. The marketing environment consists of all the factors and forces outside marketing that affect the marketing management’s ability to develop and maintain successful relation ¬ships with its target customers. Though these factors and forces may vary depending on the specific company and industrial group, they can generally be divided into broad microenvironmental and macroenvironmental components. For most companies, the microenvironmental components are: the company, suppliers, marketing channel firms (intermediaries), customer markets, competitors, and publics. The macroenvironmental components are thought to be: demographic, economic, natural, technological, political, and cultural forces. The wise marketing manager knows that he or she cannot always affect environmental forces. Smart managers can take a proactive, rather than reactive, approach to the marketing environment. As a company’s marketing management collects and processes data on these environ-ments, it must be ever vigilant in its efforts to apply what it learns to developing opportunities and dealing with threats. Studies have shown that excellent companies not only have a keen sense of customer but an appreciation of the environmental forces swirling around them. By constantly looking at the dynamic changes that are occurring in the aforementioned environments, companies are better prepared to adapt to change, prepare long-range strategy, meet the needs of today’s and tomorrow’s customers, and compete with the intense competition present in the global marketplace. Chapter Outline 1. The Company’s Microenvironment The Company a. In designing marketing plans, marketing management takes other company groups into account. These interrelated groups form the internal environment. b. Marketing managers must work closely with other company departments. Suppliers c. Suppliers form an important link in the company’s overall customer value delivery system. d. Marketing managers must watch supply availability. They also monitor the price trends of their key inputs. e. Most marketers today treat their suppliers as partners in creating and delivering customer value. Marketing Intermediaries f. Marketing intermediaries help the company to promote, sell, and distribute its goods to final buyers. i. Resellers are distribution channel firms that help the company find customers or make sales to them. ii.

Monday, July 29, 2019

Effect of Advertisement on Sales

MKT 321: MARKETING RESEARCH METHODS JAN – APRIL 2013 CAT 1 Using the knowledge and skills acquired in this course (Research methods) explain how would improve the performance of your Research and Development Department in a firm (15 marks) A research and development (R&D) department in a firm is responsible for innovations in design, products, and style. This department is responsible for creating innovative new products to keep companies a step ahead of the competition. Many companies also rely on the R&D department to improve existing consumer products, and to explore new ways of producing them.Companies thrive and succeed by creating innovative products, as well as by increasing company profit and utilizing cost-efficient methods. A research and development department is primarily responsible for ensuring that these goals are met. This is an especially important function in the fields of manufacturing and pharmaceuticals, but can be applied to virtually any industry. Often, research and development works closely with the marketing department. Marketing studies consumer trends by surveying and researching consumer demands, purchasing methods, product sales, and the existence and development of technology across the relevant market.The marketing department gathers all the data, and makes this information available to the R&D department, which will take action in response to the findings and proceed to keep the company on top of current market needs. Consumer demands often change very quickly, and the research and development department must be alert and adapt to these market fluctuations accordingly. I would invest a substantial amount of money to research and development so that it can continually modify and update the firm’s products to preserve a brand's position within the market.This is because even if our product would be leading in the market, however much it is a key product, usually will not remain in the number one market position forev er without some type of improvement and advancement. Research and development department software The progress of innovation research and product development requires a good balance between the team and management involved in R;D projects. VIP Task Manager provides this balance and allows to manage R;D projects and activities effectively.The software helps to carry information on the latest developments and coordinate the resource assignment to new promising projects in efficient and timely way. VIP Task Manager can be used as R;D project management software for organizing the workflow of the department. The software gives the following options Quality is a major issue and R;D department is deeply involved in ensuring quality of new products and attaining the required levels of regulatory requirements. In cooperation with the quality assurance department, R;D department develops a quality plan for new products.When a company sells a product on the marketplace, it should keep regulat ory compliance with legal requirements. By using Centriqs, the R;D managers can organize the workflow for researches and development of new products. In Centriqs, there can be used task templates for researches of typical products as well as for a new product specification development. The software allows to add new workflow with specific task statuses. By introducing Centriqs shareware into the workflow, the R;D department can effective cooperate with QA department through sharing tasks and projects aimed to development of quality plans for new products.The R;D managers can use the Files view to upload regulatory documents to the database and attach documents to required tasks shared between engineers, technicians and scientists. | | Research and development department goals/tasks The main goal of the R;D department is to provide the organization with pro-active leadership in the industry and strong competitive advantages through implementation of new technologies and solutions aim ed to improve current product range and develop new products.The R;D department closely works with the quality assurance department in order to create a new solution for enhancing the sustainability and the quality of products. The tasks of R;D department could be split into two main groups: research and development. The groups are closely linked with each other, however they have some peculiarities. The research activities allow the organization to find more effective ways to produce a product. The development activities are focused on how to implement these ways into manufacturing of the current or a new product.Research and development department in company structure Research and development are often very expensive and it takes much time to get positive results from them. However most businesses invest a lot of money in research and development and build R;D departments. The organizations which have R;D departments in their structure, gain big advantages, because: 1. Products ar e commercialized faster 2. Products reach global markets 3. Contribution to customer confidence 4. Effective exploitation of technologies 5.They gain advantages over rivalsThe research and development department will enable a more progressive and faster transfer of innovations into product development and exploitation. | CAT 2 As a manager you have noted that the sales for a certain product have dropped despite having increased the level of advertising. Explain in details how you would undertake a market research to know whether advertising affects sales (20 marks) a. Background information. The background serves to put research objectives into context, and it will help me to understand why I will pursue the objectives of knowing why advertising affect sales.I would detail what i see as being the main events that have caused or contributed to the advertising effect on sales. Such a background gives a framework for the researcher to investigate other potential events, contributory fa ctors or causes. b. Objectives. The first part of this section would detail which marketing decisions are to be completed once the research has been undertaken. This requires decision-makers to explain what they see as the focus of the decision they plan to make. They then go on to explain what gaps(s) they see in their knowledge. Those gaps create the focus to planned esearch activities and set the research objectives. The formulation of the marketing objectives can encompass two areas: organizational objectives and personal objectives of the decision-maker. For the researcher this may not be explicit or obvious to discern. It may take time working with a decision-maker or a particular organization to see the potential conflicts in organizational and personal objectives. This ‘first-step’ brief offers the opportunity for the researcher to draw out and develop a much clearer vision of marketing and research objectives.Drawing out and developing decisionmakers’ pe rspective of objectives, helps the process of developing a common understanding of what the decision-maker is trying to achieve. c. Target to research. Any market research project will measure, understand or observe a target group of individuals. These may be distinct groups of consumers, channel members such as retailers or competitors, or company employees. In this section, details of the characteristics of the target group(s) can help in much research design decisions.These cover areas of identification, gaining access to conduct research, understanding which techniques are appropriate to measure or understand these individuals, and the best environment or context in which to conduct the research. d. Who is to use the findings? This section would outline brief details of the decision-maker who will use the research findings. For example, certain decision makers may be entrepreneurial and introspective, looking for short-term tactical advantages. Managers with a background and tra ining in statistics may expect results to be analyzed and presented in a particular manner to have any credibility.Other managers may not have such training or may even be distrustful of statistical analysis and seek a more qualitative interpretation. These 19 issues have an impact upon the nature and extent of analysis conducted upon the data collected and the style and format in which research findings will be presented. e. Constraints. The main limitation to marketing researchers carrying out what they may perceive as being the correct way to research a problem is the time and money that the marketer can afford. With knowledge of time and cost constraints, the researcher can develop a research design to suit these eeds. The researcher may also demonstrate other courses of action that could demand greater amount of money or time, but could have clear benefits that the marketer may be unaware of. Other constraints, such as those imposed by the client firm’s personnel, organi zational structure and culture, or decision making styles, should be identified to determine the scope of the research project. Yet constraints should not be allowed to diminish the value of the research to the decision-maker or to compromise the integrity of the research process.In instances where the resources are too limited to allow a project of sufficient quality, the firm should be advised not to undertake formal marketing research. f. Administrative considerations. These would lay out the administrative details in completing the research project. Examples could be the expected delivery of interim reports, contacts in the organization that may be able to help supply further information, or reference to sources of materials and individuals that are needed to complete the research successfully.

Future of Cataloging, Resource Description, Indexing And Abstracting Essay

Future of Cataloging, Resource Description, Indexing And Abstracting - Essay Example The knowledge base comprises of information professionals who add their valuable info to pool up the system and for all this is for the achievement of a relatively better efficiency. The problem is how to acquire the relevant information or how to extract the required from the pool. This was once an issue in the past as record searching was very tedious and at times it took days for individuals to come up with the adequate set of retrievals. This was aided by the term ‘Cataloging’. Cataloging meant giving an appropriate identification of the item from where it can be easily retrieved. Cataloging can easily be understood if we take into account a library containing many books and journals and you step inside to search for data on economic facts in the World War II era. To get this information you needed to approach the librarian who will present you a book that is compiled of many abstracts from the various books that contain information about the desired World War II facts. This item is called as the catalog and it contains the description of the different books or journals referring to your search. From this catalog you can filter out your choices easily and as there is adequate resource description you could also go for different writer choices. Thus once decided which to choose, you look down at the catalog to find the location of the desired information tool (Book/journal). Thus the catalog acts as a fa ir assistant to you in minimizing your search time and effectively grants you the opportunity to identify your needs well. Cataloging has facilitated searching immensely. An important terminology within the catalog is the resource description. The catalog contains every bit of information required about the resource and therefore again is regarded as an effective tool for information handling purpose.

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Language Diversity in International Management Teams Essay - 3

Language Diversity in International Management Teams - Essay Example Just like a delicate flower which has, for the first time, opened its brilliant petals in a show of defiance against the mundane, the skier illustrates their prowess for danger by their first hill selection. The individual also looks for potential obstacles which can block their path on the way down, making a mental map to avoid various trees or boulders on their decided path. A skier is a strategist, paying careful attention to potential roadblocks and then determining the most appropriate course of least resistance. A skier is a sea of troubles. All new skiers inevitably collide with others during their first trips down the mountain as they become familiar with their surroundings. Some laugh at their incompetence and others do not, much like in the real world where one cannot make everyone happy no matter how hard they attempt to do so. A skier is a carnival ride. The beloved Octopus ride, with this gyrating and spinning two-man cars, lurches side to side and vertically, rocking the carnival scene with a wild presentation of shaking and the provision of laughing riders. A new skier who has not yet mastered the art of balance will flail their arms wildly about, lurching down the hill in the awkward frenzy, giggling at their own inefficiency as they gyrate down the slope. Language plays a very important role in the critical thinking process, due largely to the fact that language is used to promote positive social interaction, improve interpersonal comprehension, and overcome certain social misunderstandings (Vogler, 2007). Critical thinking involves being able to assess the person’s environment or situation and look for an appropriate response or solution to the scenario by using logic, reasoning, persuasion, or simply good judgment based on social expectations.  

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Criminal Justice Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 2

Criminal Justice - Coursework Example The social control is often maintained in the criminal justice system to pave the way for orderly and crime free societies. Criminal justice agency mandated by the United States government to exhibit criminal justice is the U.S. department of justice (DOJ’s). This department ensures that all the societal norms are followed to the later. In cases of anomie or normlessness, the criminal law pursuit always takes its course to ensure order is fully restored in all systems in the society. Justice concept of the criminal justice system provides for freedoms and rights of the criminals (Schmalleger 46). Detention before trial is against the criminal justice laws. Taking more days before trial as well is against this law’s pursuit. Lastly, all the criminals are always innocent until proved guilty by the DOJ’s agencies. In summary, the criminal justice system is one of the key role players in a society’s cohesion and integration. The United States criminal justice system is indiscriminative thus exercises enacted laws equally to all the races in the society. The criminal justice ensures there is a universal application of jurisdiction in all the intended societal criminal activities. Through criminal justice, the societies live harmoniously as normless behaviours are highly regulated. These, therefore, are some of the important roles played by criminal justice systems in the United

Friday, July 26, 2019

How culture influence Management style Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 15000 words

How culture influence Management style - Essay Example The emergence of a global economy and the dissolution of the national boundaries due to the advancement of information and communication technology, have forced the organizations to constantly re-evaluate strategies and operations so as to remain competitive (Buttery & Holt, 2000). With workplaces having people from diverse cultural backgrounds, with virtual teams working across continents culture plays a significant role in how the firms operate and manage business. Culture has always been a source of influence on human behaviour. It is essential to note that culture has a major impact on the human behaviour. Also the performance of an individual at a work place is directly impacted by the culture of the organisation. The culture of the organisation is generally dependent on the management of the organisation and the way the culture of the organisation is managed can impact the overall working within the company. Various functions of the organisation such as planning, controlling the different aspects of organisation, setting goal, coordinating are the key responsibilities of the management and together they contribute to the culture of the organisation as well. The role of managers becomes more complex and difficult in case of Multinational Companies (MNCs) as the managers located at overseas locations or expatriate managers face the daunting challenge of managing people from different cultures. The managers need to concentrate on the employee s and there is a clear need to be able to balance the employees and manage them well. By doing so, the company’s culture will be very high and there will also be a chance for the employees to grow and develop and perform better here. The attitude of the managers and the focus with which they work towards the development of the culture in the company can have a clear impact on the

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Literature - I stand here ironing & Teenage Wasteland Essay

Literature - I stand here ironing & Teenage Wasteland - Essay Example The ultimate expression of those conflicting emotions are expressed in â€Å"Daddy† in an outburst of vitriol and pained condemnation of male abandonment. Although the poem seems most obvious on its literal level to be directed toward Plath’s own father, a close examination reveals that much of the venom is directed not toward her own daddy, but to the daddy of her children, her husband Ted Hughes, whom Plath confused as a reincarnated version of her father in vampire form. The Electra Complex is at the center of the poem as Plath works to intertwine the figures of her own father and her husband. The Electra Complex is a psychological term to describe what is most easily explained as the female equivalent of the Oedipus Complex in which a daughter comes to view her father as the first sexual attraction in her life and then proceeds to repress those feelings only to have them subconsciously bubble to the surface in the form of falling in love with a man who reminds her of her father. The poet herself stated that the poem is about a woman (presumably herself) who seems to have an Electra Complex regarding her father that she cannot entirely admit to. Further blurring the line between father and husband is that both men would abandon her; startlingly, Plath’s relationship with both men lasted almost the exact same length of time. Plath’s father died when she was just eight year old and her suicide came roughly the same amount of time after f irst meeting Hughes. The primary difference, of course, is that as an eight year old child, Sylvia barely had time to know and understand her father. For that reason, the real focus of the vehemence in the poem must certainly be her husband, who acts as a substitute for the father she never knew. The first half of the poem sets the stage for her look back toward a literal representation of her father that will shortly transform into the symbolic representation of Ted

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

New hollywood Cinema Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 4000 words

New hollywood Cinema - Essay Example Earlier on, there was the saying that this was the eventual death of Hollywood. This did not only prove to be greatly exaggerated but also a misguided conclusion. Hollywood reinvented itself once again to a new market as a new industry that flourished greatly in changing the marketplace of the media. Major studios that previously dominated the media such as Warner’s, MGM and Paramount continued to dominate the industry. The idea of a movie was still retained as the industry continued looking more complex as days went by. The term Hollywood Renaissance can thus be reduced to denote the adjustment from one period to the other: from classical to new Hollywood (Madsen 1975; Thompson & Bordwell 1994; Solomon 1976) One of the main reasons for Hollywood to retain its place was the rise of the blockbuster movie. In production values, market strategy and budgets, Hollywood changed to a hit driven industry from the early 1950’s. In classical Hollywood, studios would release a few prestige pictures yearly and then would relish an occasional runaway hit. The classical Hollywood would mainly rely on A-class features in order to generate revenue. In new Hollywood it changed from the occasional hit to the well calculated blockbuster. This would lead to changes in the way movies were produced and the thematic topics and styles used (Schaltz 1988; Mast 1992; schaltz 1981). This paper is going to look at the film â€Å"The Godfather† as a product of the new Hollywood era. It is going to examine the film in terms of its industrial, social, formal, political and cultural perspectives as a new Hollywood movie. Industrial perspective Arguably, â€Å"The Godfather† is the best movie of all times based on its level of sales and thematic relevance. It was heavily promoted and advertised. Its production was a big and it had very profitable returns. The godfather veered off the mainstream conventions of a movie when it portrayed a different view of the mafia. It showed the activities of the mafia from inside rather than the American conventional view of the mafia (De Stefano 2007; Schiach 1972; Steinberg 1980). As a new Hollywood film the godfather gained acclaim from across many cultures. Not only in the United States did the movie achieve a lot of success but also in Europe and other places in the world. It has become the best movie since 1965 in cinema attendance. It also sets the pace for other new Hollywood directors and actors. Mario Puzzo had the manuscript of the movie written and passed it on to Robert Evans the production head of paramount at the time. Previously, during the era of vertical integration in Hollywood, such a manuscript could not be taken from the big studios like paramount, played all the roles in the production of a film. In classical era only occasionally hits were released while other movies would be screened all year in the cinema (Lincoln 2005; Silverman 1988) In classical Hollywood, during production a film would be made to a beginning, middle and an end. The godfather defied this formula and didn’t have a definite beginning or events that signified a point of central tendency. However, it had an end similar to that of classical Hollywood era movies. The conventional style of classical Hollywood was such that the actors are used to motivate viewers

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Outline the key effects of immigration on developed countries and Essay

Outline the key effects of immigration on developed countries and discuss whether the benefits outweigh the disadvantages - Essay Example It contribute to the immigrants better opportunities, better chances to fulfill their aims and objectives, and a better way of life    The living standard of people in the country, is indicated by using the real income per capital and real consumption by capital and also more foreign income is being generated..  The social and cultural aspects of the people are also a main factor to be considering these reduce the cost of labor market in the country and enough business establishments in the country.  Ã‚  Immigrants filling up those jobs reduce the work of consumers, producers and results in increased economic welfare.  The goods produced by the energy of immigrant workers can also contribute additional income as the goods can be sold at lower price.  The cost of market in a country reduces due to a increased number of people in the country. This helps the country lower the labor cost as a result of the people willing to work for the lower wages than the citizen. The creating of business in the country increases as a result of different people set to establish different businesses. The country increases the number of businesses established, and this in turn increases the options among the consumers due to a larger market. The population size increases the number of skilled laborers and hence positively influences productivity which changes the economic differences such as investment and trade. In essence immigrants  increase to the diversity of a society. People these days are leaving poor countries to change their way of living. One of the reasons is that these emigrants need to work to get money for their families. These emigrants some of them are from the poor countries and being ignored from their governments. These kinds of workers benefit the countries a lot and help them gain more profit. However, immigrants may dominate the work force and occupy more prominent positions than the

History of Terrorism Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

History of Terrorism - Essay Example evailed over all of France in three major stages beginning with the election of Count Mirabeau and Abbe Sieyes who represented the commoners whose grievances had been violently conveyed firsthand at the â€Å"Fall of the Bastille† (Zaide, 235). The rise of the radicals constituted the second stage of the Revolution until the ultimate act of terrorism which unveiled upon the guillotine execution of Louis XVI in December 1792 along with some 20,000 nobles, politicians, and other critical aristocratic figures. By the late 19th century, technological advancements in weaponry encouraged the formation of the anarchists in small groups following the chief advocacy of the â€Å"propaganda of the deed† which made possible the assassination of French leaders (238). During the latter part of the 18th century, when the â€Å"Reign of Terror† prevailed, the French Republic decreed even for the rest of European nations to overthrow their despotic rulers and no law enforcements were available to combat or at least to regulate such proclamation and its corresponding actions. At the time, all the necessary legal duties were shifted to the control of the revolutionary government that sought total reform against monarchy so there had not been any legal defense that came to the aid of the ill-fated monarchs. It was not until the 19th century that an extensive campaign against terrorism flourished and this included the creation of RAID by the French Police Nationale with the principal objective of suppressing destructive crimes and terrorist activities (Early History of Terrorism). According to Kristin Archick’s CRS Report for Congress: â€Å"Among other steps, the EU (European Union) has established a common definition of terrorism and a list of terrorist groups, an EU arrest warrant, enhanced tools to investigate terrorist financing, and new measures to strengthen external EU border controls (Archick, 2006).† Italy, likewise, was struck by terrorism but not too long ago through the

Monday, July 22, 2019

Counselling and Psychotherapy Ethics Essay Example for Free

Counselling and Psychotherapy Ethics Essay Practitioners should give careful consideration to the limitations of their training and experience and work within these limits, taking advantage of available professional support. If work with clients requires the provision of additional services operating in parallel with counselling or psychotherapy, the availability of such services ought to be taken into account, as their absence may constitute a significant limitation. Good practice involves clarifying and agreeing the rights and responsibilities of both the practitioner and client at appropriate points in their working relationship. Dual relationships arise when the practitioner has two or more kinds of relationship concurrently with a client, for example client and trainee, acquaintance and client, colleague and supervisee. The existence of a dual relationship with a client is seldom neutral and can have a powerful beneficial or detrimental impact that may not always be easily foreseeable. For these reasons practitioners are required to consider the implications of entering into dual relationships with clients, to avoid entering into relationships that are likely to be detrimental to clients, and to be readily accountable to clients and colleagues for any dual relationships that occur. Practitioners are encouraged to keep appropriate records of their work with clients unless there are adequate reasons for not keeping any records. All records should be accurate, respectful of clients and colleagues and protected from unauthorised disclosure. Practitioners should take into account their responsibilities and their clients rights under data protection legislation and any other legal requirements. Clients are entitled to competently delivered services that are periodically reviewed by the practitioner. These reviews may be conducted, when appropriate, in consultation with clients, supervisors, managers or other practitioners with relevant expertise. Maintaining competent practice All counsellors, psychotherapists, trainers and supervisors are required to have regular and on-going formal supervision/consultative support for their work in accordance with professional requirements. Managers, researchers and providers of counselling skills are strongly encouraged to review their need for professional and personal support and to obtain appropriate services for themselves. Regularly monitoring and reviewing ones work is essential to maintaining good practice. It is important to be open to, and conscientious in considering, feedback from colleagues, appraisals and assessments. Responding constructively to feedback helps to advance practice. A commitment to good practice requires practitioners to keep up to date with the latest knowledge and respond to changing circumstances. They should consider carefully their own need for continuing professional development and engage in appropriate educational activities. Practitioners should be aware of and understand any legal requirements concerning their work, consider these conscientiously and be legally accountable for their practice. Keeping trust The practice of counselling and psychotherapy depends on gaining and honouring the trust of clients. Keeping trust requires: attentiveness to the quality of listening and respect offered to clients culturally appropriate ways of communicating that are courteous and clear respect for privacy and dignity areful attention to client consent and confidentiality Clients should be adequately informed about the nature of the services being offered. Practitioners should obtain adequately informed consent from their clients and respect a clients right to choose whether to continue or withdraw. Practitioners should ensure that services are normally delivered on the basis of the clients explicit consent. Reliance on implicit consent is more vulnerable to misunderstandings and is best avoided unless there are sound reasons for doing so. Overriding a clients known wishes or consent is a serious matter that requires commensurate justification. Practitioners should be prepared to be readily accountable to clients, colleagues and professional body if they override a clients known wishes. Situations in which clients pose a risk of causing serious harm to themselves or others are particularly challenging for the practitioner. These are situations in which the practitioner should be alert to the possibility of conflicting responsibilities between those concerning their client, other people who may be significantly affected, and society generally. Resolving conflicting responsibilities may require due consideration of the context in which the service is being provided. Consultation with a supervisor or experienced practitioner is strongly recommended, whenever this would not cause undue delay. In all cases, the aim should be to ensure for the client a good quality of care that is as respectful of the clients capacity for self-determination and their trust as circumstances permit. Working with young people requires specific ethical awareness and competence. The practitioner is required to consider and assess the balance between young peoples dependence on adults and carers and their progressive development towards acting independently. Working with children and young people requires careful consideration of issues concerning their capacity to give consent to receiving any service independently of someone with parental responsibilities and the management of confidences disclosed by clients. Respecting client confidentiality is a fundamental requirement for keeping trust. The professional management of confidentiality concerns the protection of personally identifiable and sensitive information from unauthorised disclosure. Disclosure may be authorised by client consent or the law. Any disclosures should be undertaken in ways that best protect the clients trust. Practitioners should be willing to be accountable to their clients and to their profession for their management of confidentiality in general and particularly for any disclosures made without their clients consent. Practitioners should normally be willing to respond to their clients requests for information about the way that they are working and any assessment that they may have made. This professional requirement does not apply if it is considered that imparting this information would be detrimental to the client or inconsistent with the counselling or psychotherapeutic approach previously agreed with the client. Clients may have legal rights to this information and these need to be taken into account. Practitioners must not abuse their clients trust in order to gain exual, emotional, financial or any other kind of personal advantage. Sexual relations with clients are prohibited. Sexual relations include intercourse, any other type of sexual activity or sexualised behaviour. Practitioners should think carefully about, and exercise considerable caution before, entering into personal or business relationships with former clients and should expect to be professionally accountable if the relation ship becomes detrimental to the client or the standing of the profession. Practitioners should not allow their professional relationships with clients to be prejudiced by any personal views they may hold about lifestyle, gender, age, disability, race, sexual orientation, beliefs or culture. Practitioners should be clear about any commitment to be available to clients and colleagues and honour these commitments. Teaching and training All practitioners are encouraged to share their professional knowledge and practice in order to benefit their clients and the public. Practitioners who provide education and training should acquire the skills, attitudes and knowledge required to be competent teachers and facilitators of learning. Practitioners are required to be fair, accurate and honest in their assessments of their students. Prior consent is required from clients if they are to be observed, recorded or if their personally identifiable disclosures are to be used for training purposes. Supervising and managing Practitioners are responsible for clarifying who holds responsibility for the work with the client. There is a general obligation for all counsellors, psychotherapists, supervisors and trainers to receive supervision/consultative support independently of any managerial relationships. Supervisors and managers have a responsibility to maintain and enhance good practice by practitioners, to protect clients from poor practice and to acquire the attitudes, skills and knowledge required by their role. Researching The Association is committed to fostering research that will inform and develop practice. All practitioners are encouraged to support research undertaken on behalf of the profession and to participate actively in research work. All research should be undertaken with rigorous attentiveness to the quality and integrity both of the research itself and of the dissemination of the results of the research. The rights of all research participants should be carefully considered and protected. The minimum rights include the right to freely given and informed consent, and the right to withdraw at any point. The research methods used should comply with the standards of good practice in counselling and psychotherapy and must not adversely affect clients. Fitness to practise Practitioners have a responsibility to monitor and maintain their fitness to practise at a level that enables them to provide an effective service. If their effectiveness becomes impaired for any reason, including health or personal circumstances, they should seek the advice of their supervisor, experienced colleagues or line manager and, if necessary, withdraw from practice until their fitness to practise returns. Suitable arrangements should be made for clients who are adversely affected. If things go wrong with own clients Practitioners should respond promptly and appropriately to any complaint received from their clients. An appropriate response in agency-based services would take account of any agency policy and procedures. Practitioners should endeavour to remedy any harm they may have caused to their clients and to prevent any further harm. An apology may be the appropriate response. Practitioners should discuss, with their supervisor, manager or other experienced practitioner(s), the circumstancess in which they may have harmed a client in order to ensure that the appropriate steps have been taken to mitigate any harm and to prevent any repetition. Practitioners are strongly encouraged to ensure that their work is adequately covered by insurance for professional indemnity and liability. If practitioners consider that they have acted in accordance with good practice but their client is not satisfied that this is the case, they may wish to use independent dispute resolution, for example: seeking a second professional opinion, mediation, or conciliation where this is both appropriate and practical. Clients should be informed about the existence of the Professional Conduct Procedure of this Association and any other applicable complaints or disciplinary procedures. If requested to do so, practitioners should inform their clients about how they may obtain further information concerning these procedures. Responsibilities to all clients Practitioners have a responsibility to protect clients when they have good reason for believing that other practitioners are placing them at risk of harm. They should raise their concerns with the practitioner concerned in the first instance, unless it is inappropriate to do so. If the matter cannot be resolved, they should review the grounds for their concern and the evidence available to them and, when appropriate, raise their concerns with the practitioners manager, agency or professional body. If they are uncertain what to do, their concerns should be discussed with an experienced colleague, a supervisor or raised with this Association. All members of this Association share a responsibility to take part in its professional conduct procedures whether as the person complained against or as the provider of relevant information. Working with colleagues The increasing availability of counselling and psychotherapy means that most practitioners have other practitioners working in their locality, or may be working closely with colleagues within specialised or multidisciplinary teams. The quality of the interactions between practitioners can enhance or undermine the claim that counselling and psychotherapy enable clients to increase their insight and expertise in personal relationships. This is particularly true for practitioners who work in agencies or teams. Working in teams Professional relationships should be conducted in a spirit of mutual respect. Practitioners should endeavour to attain good working relationships and systems of communication that enhance services to clients at all times. Practitioners should treat all colleagues fairly and foster equality opportunity. They should not allow their professional relationships with colleagues to be prejudiced by their own personal views about a colleagues lifestyle, gender, age, disability, race, sexual orientation, beliefs or culture. It is unacceptable and unethical to discriminate against colleagues on any of these grounds. Practitioners must not undermine a colleagues relationships with clients by making unjustified or unsustainable comments. All communications between colleagues about clients should be on a professional basis and thus purposeful, respectful and consistent with the management of confidences as declared to clients. Awareness of context The practitioner is responsible for learning about and taking account of the different protocols, conventions and customs that can pertain to different working contexts and cultures. Making and receiving referrals All routine referrals to colleagues and other services should be discussed with the client in advance and the clients consent obtained both to making the referral and also to disclosing information to accompany the referral. Reasonable care should be taken to ensure that: the recipient of the referral is able to provide the required service; any confidential information disclosed during the referral process will be adequately protected; the referral will be likely to benefit the client. Prior to accepting a referral the practitioner should give careful consideration to: the appropriateness of the referral; the likelihood that the referral will be beneficial to the client; the adequacy of the clients consent for the referral. If the referrer is professionally required to retain overall responsibility for the work with the client, it is considered to be professionally appropriate to provide the referrer with brief progress reports. Such reports should be made in consultation with clients and not normally against their explicit wishes. Probity in professional practice Ensuring the probity of practice is important both to those who are directly affected but also to the standing of the profession as a whole. Providing clients with adequate information Practitioners are responsible for clarifying the terms on which their services are being offered in advance of the client incurring any financial obligation or other reasonably foreseeable costs or liabilities. All information about services should be honest, accurate, avoid unjustifiable claims, and be consistent with maintaining the good standing of the profession. Particular care should be taken over the integrity of presenting qualifications, accreditation and professional standing. Financial arrangements Practitioners are required to be honest, straightforward and accountable in all financial matters concerning their clients and other professional relationships. Conflicts of interest Conflicts of interest are best avoided, provided they can be reasonably foreseen in the first instance and prevented from arising. In deciding how to respond to conflicts of interest, the protection of the clients interests and maintaining trust in the practitioner should be paramount. Care of self as a practitioner Attending to the practitioners well-being is essential to sustaining good practice. Practitioners have a responsibility to themselves to ensure that their work does not become detrimental to their health or well-being by ensuring that the way that they undertake their work is as safe as possible and that they seek appropriate professional support and services as the need arises. Practitioners are entitled to be treated with proper consideration and respect that is consistent with this Guidance.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Yahoo Company: Strategic Analysis

Yahoo Company: Strategic Analysis How can issues facing Yahoo! Be described as strategic? To understand and do differentiate strategy from other issues facing Yahoo! We need to look at what Strategy is? What defines as strategy? Strategy is set of actions that managers take to increase their companys performance relative to rivals. However in the view to access Yahoo! a fuller definition would be helpful. Strategy is the direction and scope of an organization over the long term, which achieves advantage in a changing environment through its configuration of resources and competences with the aim of fulfilling stakeholder expectations. We have to identify if issues facing Yahoo! Is Yahoo! Concerned with the long-term direction of the company? What we clearly see is that Yahoo! Is lacking in a clear vision for the future, unfocused they have drifted way form what they are, no clear ownership and lack of accountability is eminent in the organization. Yahoos chief executive Terry Semel has said, Yahoo needs to refocus in order to maintain a leadership position in the face of strong challenges. Brad Garlinghouse mentions radical restructuring, which cannot be implemented over night it would take a considerable period of time, they need to achieve this in baby steps indicate that Yahoo is looking at long term, long term direction. Is Yahoo! Concerned with the scope of its operations? The issue of scope of activity is fundamental to strategy. This is about is Yahoo! Concentrate on one area of business activity, or they want to be in many. Currently its doing everything and be everything to everyone Brad Garlinghouse plans suggest to exit non-core business and eliminate duplicative projects and business, which is to concentrate on Yahoos strategic decision to few core activities. Compressing of the scope of activity is clearly a fundamental aspect of Yahoos plan. Is Yahoo! Trying to achieve some competitive advantage? Its about finding the competitive edge. Yahoo! Has a large audience, the company has a great customer loyalty. Brand has created instant attraction in the click market. But overlapping responsibilities coupled with trying to do too many things have increased Yahoos operating and maintaining cost is disadvantages for competitive advantage. Yahoo! Was forced to delay the introduction of a key upgrade to the technology in turn forcing it to lower revenue forecast. Is resource allocation one of the issues facing Yahoo!? Spreading peanut butter across myriad opportunity a clear strategic decision facing Yahoo! Its about company is not utilizing its massive resources financial, human and other assets. Careening into wide variety of new business ventures have left Yahoo! Unable to, compete effectively. Duplicating activities and giving different silo like Flicker and Yahoo Photos, 360 group and social group have being costly duplicating initiatives created unexpected cannibalization (eating its own market share). Are they trying to find a strategic fit with the environment? Strategy can be seen as the search for strategic fit with the business environment. Yahoo! Is looking for a stronger faster company, which means that the current over bureaucratic structure doesnt fit/match the quick changing highly competitive web market environment. Are they building on resources and competences? Its about exploiting the strategic capabilities, in terms of unique resources and core competences, to provide competitive advantage or to gain new opportunities. Yahoo! Is in the view to turn smoothly spread butter into a deliberately sculpted strategy, which indicated they want to take all the resources and competencies and concentrate and focus on few key business units. Is Yahoo! Concerned about stakeholder values and expectations? Strategy of an organization is affected by those who have the power in and around the organization, there values and attitudes influences strategy. Unclear ownership, argue and fight over ownership will have a negative impact on Yahoo! Intern will result in investors and employees values and expectations. Massive redundancies will alter employee expectations. Is there a transformational change? Delayer of Yahoo! To be efficient with, fewer people. Radical reductions in the head count by 15%-20% show that Yahoo! Is in for a transformational change. Therefore, as I have outlined above under each of the characteristics of a strategy and applied to Yahoo! Its clear that what Yahoo! Is facing is a strategic decision. A corporate strategic decision, which is concerned with the overall purpose of Yahoo and adding value to different part of the business. Which will impact Yahoos success or failure unlike with operational and tactical decisions the effects of which sometimes provide immediate feedback, likely results of corporate strategic decisions may not be evident for many years but, when felt could result in the failure of the entire business. The strategic decision to shift from advertisement income to charging users directly for personalized services like audio subscription and web page by Yahoo! Resulted in loss of revenue and plummeting of the share price. Strategy is a game about the future in which the whole company is at stake and which the possibilities for regretting a move or getting back are often not realistic or very costly. Therefore, strategy and strategy planning is the perhaps the most difficult but perhaps also the most important management tasks Yahoo is facing. (Exploring Corporate Strategy seventh edition page 7-9, by Jonson, Scholes and Whittington) To what extent do they differ from strategic issues facing your own organization? Strategic issues encountered by Yahoo more or less relevant to most organizations. However, it is likely that different strategic decision characteristic will be more important in some contexts and in some organizations than the other. Yahoo! Needs to be a stronger and faster company a company with clearer vision and clearer ownership and clearer accountability, it will need to understand the rapid development of technology, needs to continuously update and improve its search engine features and exploit new market opportunities. It gives a different emphasis for my company that of full service Hair salon providing haircuts, facial treatments and nail services to the needs of a local community. Hair Salon is operating in a single market, a small local community with a single or very limited product and services. Where as Yahoo! A global diverse company has its presence in all over the world. Its diverse not only with product and services but also with the geographical market. Therefore, the scope of the operation in my hair salon likely to be less of a strategic issue than of what Yahoo has to content with. The local community that I operate knows how I am and my service. I have created a great customer loyalty through experienced staff that I have carefully hired and try to expand my market share through word of mouth. A part from that I am the only salon in the 25-mile radius, which has given a great competitive advantage. Even though Yahoo! Has created a brand loyalty sustaining the competitive advantage and the market share would be very challenging with massive competitive nature of the market it operates in. Therefore, the ways in which the salon and Yahoo! Handle competitive advantage will differ in making a strategic decision. I started my business with the capital that I gained for sale of my property and bank debt that I still pay. I have utilized the capital and my exceptional talent in haircutting fully. I want to expand my business to include a tanning spa but my ability to raise capital has stopped me. Whereas if Yahoo! Is in hold of massive assets in terms of financial and human but the unfocused nature and lack of a cohesive vision have created problems to Yahoo! Therefore, the ability and allocation of resources are issues facing both companies but to what extent and access to capital will differ in terms of strategic decision. Yahoo! Is facing issues with values and expectations of the stakeholders due to unclear ownership. For a private enterprise like Yahoo the ultimate success criteria is value of the company to the owners: the stakeholder value. Therefore, in Yahoo stakeholder value is mother of strategic goals. I have to deal only to my customers and my self. As you can see even though values and expectations exist in both organizations to what extent it affects my salon and Yahoo! Makes a difference in the strategic context. Therefore, strategic issues facing Yahoo! Compared to my hair salon tend to be complex due to wide geographical scope and the wide range of products and services it has to offer to the differentiated market. The pace of change in the environment as well as competition yahoo is facing needs it to be fast, adaptive and customer responsive to the uncertainty. Strategic issues need to be integrated through out the value chain, a decision to decentralized managers have to cross functional and operational boundaries to deal with all over Yahoo! Critically examine how strategic issues differ between profit making and a non-profit oriented organization? There are similarities between for-profit and non-profit organizations. First and foremost, both types of organizations begin with a solid mission statement and a vision statement that drive the strategic planning process and remind all the members of the organization of their foundation. Both are organizations where assets are held and business transacted in the name of the corporation rather than the individuals occupied. To survive and grow, both need to create or bring in more revenue than they consume on operations. Both are involved in producing a good or service for customers. And, of course, both are managed and run by the people who are employed by the organization. We always hear about for profit companies, such as Yahoo! And the strategies they have developed. Even though, non-for profit organizations are not concerned with profit maximization they act to uplift the culture quality of life of the region they operate in, they too benefit from following good strategies since they need generate profits to survive and grow. However, it is the distribution of the remainder of the profits that is one of the differentiating characteristics between for profit and non-profit organizations. Therefore, the key strategic issues facing a, for profit company and non-for profit will differ. In a for profit organization the profits that are not re-invested in the organization are distributed to the owners of the company as cash. (If they do its to gain more return for the investment). The point is that the profits of a non-profit organization constantly go toward sustaining some cause that society deems as good and helpful and not into the pockets of the investors. We have to look at the values and expectations; values will be of central strategic significance and plays an important part in the development of strategy. Non-profit organizations charities, churches etc. the sources of funds will be linked to different objectives and expectations of the funder. The mere existence of the non-for profit lies in the hands of the funder or the funding body hence the long-term direction is depended. Therefore, funders are likely to have a stronger influence on the decision making process. These are mission-driven organizations working to increase the quality of life for a specific community or society Where, as a private company are looking at profit maximization working to the best interest of their stakeholders ROCI. There is no real measure of efficiency other than to carry out its mission and achieve its set out objectives within the money contribution it has raised or received. In contract profit organization are in inconstant need of achieving high efficiency and productivity to deal the customer expectations as well as maximizing in return on capital invested. A profit company is created when investors collectively transfer assets and talent to start the company. The company, which is in fact a fictitious individual in the eyes of the law, takes title and ownership of the assets, etc. and gives, in exchange for the assets, ownership shares in the company to those who contributed the assets. However, with a non-profit, individuals come together and provide assets and talent to start the corporation. But, these people who create the corporation do not receive any legal ownership in the corporation and, further, have no guarantee that they will be able to retain control of the corporation once formed. All of the assets are now to be used to advance that cause or provide the service for which the non-profit business was created Some characteristics are found in profit and no profit organizations but the frequency of strong impact is much higher on a no profit organization. Hence, the strategic decision that profit and no profit company makes will differ. We are reactive instead of charting an unwavering course tactics Critically analyze the accuracy of the statement that formal planning systems are irrelevant for firms. This is about strategy development process. Through which strategies actually develop in an organization. This process can be grouped into two main types. First is the notion of strategy development as deliberate management intent, which has been planned, that is formally created ahead of events. This is the concept of intended strategy. It is literally strategy as design. Second is emphasized on the emergence of strategy from internal and external factors existing in and around the organization. Where strategy emerge from day to day decisions and activities. This is the concept of emergent strategy. Quinn has termed it as logical incremental. Both approaches must be examined within the context of an increasingly dynamic, highly competitive and global business environment. The statement We are reactive suggest that Yahoo! Is following a planned or intended strategy. Being reactive is a characteristic of planned strategy. Which follows systematic process where analysis of organizations internal performance and external environment will result in long term plan. Senior management is in charge of defining the final objectives and the plan is then put into action. With logical and analytical analysis will allow organizations to formulate strategies to meet new opportunities and barriers. This approach will enable organizations to manage and organize complex activities on different business units quite effectively and efficiently. Intended strategic formulation is based on existing strengths and capabilities of an organization to optimize its growth. On the contrary, in times of rapid change and turbulence it fails to find alternatives and adapt that Yahoo! Is facing. Unplanned changers are a shock, so the strategy doesnt have a logical answer it tends to be reactive to change and the reaction this might not be timely as in the case of Yahoo! Or the result might be no action at all. The fact that logical approach implies that strategy development is always deliberate and everything strategy will be realized according to plan. Besides, perspective indented strategy formulations consist assumptions that are unsustainable to todays changing business world. Unpredictable acts of events will regularly force originally strategy of its course. Additionally, this method doesnt allow organizations to absorb any learned element to strategy so can limit organizations ability to response flexibly in todays changing environment. Further, this model fails to complement the modern team culture where everybody is part of a team and everyone can participate in the strategy building decisions that might result in dissatisfaction and low motivation. Charting an unwavering course implies that Yahoo! Need to follow a more emergent approach to strategy. Instead of meeting a premeditated plan; strategy evolves through a process of learning, adjustment and experimentation. An emergent approach leads to more creative and responsive strategy making which is well suited to the hyper-competitive and unpredictable environments of today this is what Brad Garlinghouse mentions in charting an unwavering course thats dealing with constantly changing market. In contrast with the prescriptive approach which focuses on creating a fit between established strengths and new opportunities, the emergent approach intentionally creating a misfit between these factors. Hence, its more suited to transformational change in organizations as well as managing helping to reduce resistance to change among employees. On the other side of the coin, when planning and implementation two simultaneous strategic process are taking place it runs the risk of confusion and being too slow. These mean valuable opportunities might be lost. Additionally, without analytical analysis objectives lack clarity and a basis of evaluating performance. Also conflicting strategic choices by different groups might hinder strategic development. Emergent strategies do not mean that management is out of control it is just more open, flexible, responsive and willing to learn. This is an important strategy in a complex, uncertain and changing environment. It best case scenario, it enables management to act before everything is fully understood. Nonetheless, such a strategy has the risk of lack of direction. A greater use of strategic planning tools for internal and external analysis would certainly facilitate improved organizational learning and enhance strategic thinking even while following an emergent approach. Deliberate strategies help to manage, to impose intentions on the organization and to provide a sense of direction. The prescriptive and emergent processes, rather than being mutually exclusive, can be complementary to each other. All in all, most viable strategies in todays business world should have customized elements of prescriptive and emergent characteristics in order to manage the complexities of their business. Analyze your own organizations approach to its strategic planning process. There are many different ways in which strategy could be understood, developed and implemented. All of these views have there own merit. Using analytical tools such an internal and external environment, research data like competitor analysis and planning systems like cash flow and budgeting will be useful to create design strategies. Which Yahoo! No doubt have used when developing its strategy. However, its critical to understand how experience and culture influences an organization. Like for my salon founder a naturally talented and creative individual is still a dominant influence on strategy. Strategy by idea is another concept, where a new idea might emerge through the organization from the variety of experience and behaviors that are found across the organization. Our salon, strategies are based on following of past strategies which has being influenced by the founder through his experience and the vast expertise, more of the same, we are in the view why fix when it isnt broken. We are driven by taken for granted assumption and the ways of doing things embedded in the culture of our salon. The best that can be expected is what Herbert Simon termed bounded rationality which results in managers satisficing rather than optimizing; they do the best they can within the limits of their circumstances, knowledge and experience. (Exploring corporate strategy seventh edition page 45) the strategies are developed as the outcome of the founder and his experience, which influence strategic decision. In order to grow and thrive in the future there has to be strategic planning with all aspects of people and salon management. Salons can often survive; certainly do well for periods of time in conditions of relative stability, low environmental turbulence and little competition. However, virtually none of these conditions prevail in the current world for great lengths of time. Investment in a process that leads to a well developed strategic plan will mean the difference between retaining your best clients and your best stylists and will mean the difference between successful profitable growth and steady decline. Therefore, we need to reassess our strategic thinking; we address our problems in much the same way as we dealt with a previous issue seen as similar. For example the recent profit downturn was interpreted, as decline in overall market condition where as the true fact being no new trend setting by our stylist. We lack hair-cutting techniques that are required by the Young Urban Professionals. It is therefore helps to understand of where innovative strategies come from and how organizations cope with dynamic environments. It also poses question about whether the top management really have control over strategic direction. Discuss ways in which the planning process could be improved? Whether you are a fan of Porters five forces or the concept of Blue oceans strategy or other relevant tools of analysis, a strategy process has simple logical sequence, like A comes before B, B before C. before you look for the blue ocean and sail out on it, its wise to know your limitations of your boat, and also practical to be able to navigate and know about the water you are about to experience. (Something about strategic panning by Bjarn Nielsen 2006) Systematic strategic assessment helps to find, and decide, the handful of really big issues facing the salon. It is the size and impact of these strategic issues that gives rise to the importance of the strategic plan and to improve their performance. Performance is about creating value for the main beneficiaries of the company. Strategic thinking and planning can help to keep the focus on value creation, and not on management tools or practices for their own sake. For example, a SWOT Analysis is a useful tool in one of the essential improving the salons planning processes. Our planning process has to follow, formal, well documented, clearly communicated, and simple procedures. 1. Commitment from people who will be affected by the plan This is the start and to ensure support for planning, and the implementation of the plan. Example stylist, the purchasing manger. 2. Long term strategic objectives to improve service of the salon These objectives should clearly promote the enduring purpose of the company. This means knowing and identifying for whom the salon exists, (the target market) and what services we seeks to provide. The intended clients must be defined in segments group. The services offered must also be client oriented. By creating a mission, vision statement to the salon. 3. Creating strategic options Analysis of key strategic issues and short-listing, according to worth and creating of alternative strategies. By examining alternatives, it is likely that the salon will find alternatives that are superior to the current approach. Our expert stylist spend to much time on washing client hair, we can analysis few alternative approaches to dealing either tell your clients to wash there hair and come, hire a new hair stylist, hire a trainee or cut the price and offer haircuts without wash. The business will encounter environmental changes; if Alternative, contingency, plans have been considered for these changes, the organization can respond more effectively. 4. Evaluate and Decide on strategies Effective formal planning uses systematic methods for evaluating the various alternatives. Evaluate to ensure that they do not go against any objectives. Ensure that all major strategic issues are addressed. 5. Monitoring of the strategies against the long-term objectives. Need a method of running the plans as it gets executed. The plan should provide for customer feedback. To allow for corrective action, the monitoring system should address the same objectives and factors determined as significant through the planning process. Too often there is a disconnection between the plan and its reality. Put simply find and decide what to do about the handful of really big issues facing the business. The strategic planning process and tools, such as SWOT analysis, will find the strengths, weaknesses and opportunities, threats. These approaches, with their value-based management focus, will ensure that our business will have long run superior performance, and we will also be at less risk of failure.

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Free Essays - Social Expectations in Oedipus the King (Oedipus Rex) :: Oedipus the King Oedipus Rex

Social Expectations in Oedipus the King It is made clear that the citizens of Thebes were religious and had a deep reliance on the gods. "You cannot equal the gods..."p161. It was expected socially, that the citizens of Thebes recognized the gods power, and so for Jocasta to refer to the prophecies as "hollow" would not have been generally accepted behaviour. The priest is an elderly and religious man, something we realise is well respected in Thebes as Oedipus who is king, speaks with the priest on an equal level. The elderly were considered to be wise and therefore socially it would be expected that even the king should be polite to them. "Speak up, old man. Your years, your dignity..." p. 159 Oedipus is rude to Teiresias who is also a wise and religious man. "You're a nuisance here..."p185. Oedipus is not living up to his social expectations here, signifying he is fast approaching his downfall. Oedipus is seen to have double standards with regards to the idea of murder. He is aware that he has killed someone, yet to hear that King Laius was killed, he seems appalled, " daring, so wild, he'd kill a king?"p166. It is depicted as being morally less acceptable to kill someone of "royal blood". The king was someone who the people of Thebes turned to when they needed help, "find us strength, rescue!" p. 161. Oedipus had set himself high social expectations after helping free Thebes "from the sphinx". Oedipus was admired as being "best of men" p. 161, and therefore socially the citizens would have expected him to help them when they needed it. Oedipus was kinder to the citizens and more open with them than was generally expected from a king, "my children" p. 162. He spoke to them directly and not through a messenger, showing the closeness between the people and their king, "Here I am myself..." p. 159. Oedipus and Creon put all their efforts in to finding the killer of Laius. They take it on as their moral obligation as it has gone so far without justice being made, "But you, loyal men of Thebes who approve my actions, may our champion, Justice, may all the gods be with us.

Cohabitation and its Effect on Marital Stability in the US Essay

Cohabitation and its Effect on Marital Stability in the US Unmarried heterosexual cohabitation has increased sharply in the recent years in the United States. It has in fact become so prevalent that the majority of marriages and remarriages now begin as cohabiting relationships, and most young men and women cohabit at some point in their lives. It has become quite clear that understanding and incorporating cohabitation into sociological analyses and thinking, is crucial for evaluating family patterns, people’s lifestyles, children’s wellbeing and social changes more broadly. This essay presents some common explanation for cohabitation’s dramatic rise and identifies some analytic questions as to how cohabitation is increasingly a major barrier in the marital stability in the United States. Cohabitation, over the last two decades has gone from being a relatively uncommon social phenomenon to a commonplace one and has achieved this prominence quite quickly. A few sets of numbers convey both the change and its rapidity. The percentage of marriages preceded by cohabitation rose from about 10% for those marrying between 1965 and 1974 to over 50% for those marrying between 1990 and 1994 (Bumpass and Lu 1999, Bumpass & Sweet 1989); the percentage is even higher for remarriages. Secondly, the percentage of women in their late 30s who report having cohabited at least once rose from 30% in 1987 to 48% in 1995. Given a mere eight year tome window, this is a striking increase. Finally, the proportion of all first unions (including both marriages and cohabitation) that begin as cohabitations rose from 46% for unions formed between 1980 and 1984 to almost 60% for those formed between 1990 and 1994 (Bumpass and Lu 1999). Various aspe... ... stepfamilies: implications of cohabitation and nonmarital childbearing. Demography 32:425 36 Bumpass LL, Sweet JA. 1989. National estimates of cohabitation. Demography 26:615 25 Bumpass LL, Sweet JA, Cherlin A. 1991. The role of cohabitation in declining rates of marriage. Demography 53:913 27 Goode WJ. 1963. World Revolution and Family Patterns. New York: Free Manning WD, Smock PJ. 1997. Children's living arrangements in unmarried-mother families. J. Fam. Issues 18:526 44 Nock SL. 1995. A comparison of marriages and cohabiting relationships. J. Fam. Issues 16:53 76 Rindfuss RR, VandenHeuvel A. 1990. Cohabitation: a precursor to marriage or an alternative to being single? Pop. Dev. Rev. 16:703 26 Thornton A. 1991. Influence of the marital history of parents on the marital and cohabitation experiences of children. Am. J. Sociol. 96:868 94

Friday, July 19, 2019

The Real Purpose of a University Education Essay -- Argumentative Educ

The Real Purpose of a University Education All my life I knew I would be attending college. There never seemed to be any other option available as far as I knew. I never really stopped to think about whether or not it was necessary for me, or why it was so important; I was just funneled into the college curriculum in high school. I have attended the University of Arkansas for three years now, and have heard two main arguments over the purpose of a college education. One is that college is a place to train for a job, and the other is that college should be an institute of higher learning with no real focus on a future job. Challenged to form an opinion on this matter, I finally decided that neither side is absolutely right. In fact, I decided that the â€Å"purpose† of college should not even be an issue. College is what the student makes it. However they view college, all of the students will come out with some very similar experiences and benefits. I often hear professors grumbling about students who don’t value learning for the sake of learning. They feel that students who view college as job training may as well be in some vocational school, leaving university life for the more â€Å"enlightened† among us. This seems ridiculous to me. The majority of people in the United States will have to get jobs in order to support themselves or their families until retirement. So, you may as well plan to get a good job that pays well and you enjoy. What better place to plan and train for a future job that college? First of all, college provides students with an opportunity to explore different subjects and to find out what they truly love doing. Also, according to a 1994 College Board Study, college students will make an av... ...this, imagine the possibilities of a college education. Obviously, all of these things that you gain from college that I have discussed in reference to society could also be applied to finding jobs. A potential employer would find any of these qualities attractive. However, as already mentioned, this is beside the point. I think we should stop wasting time fussing over the purpose of a university education, and simply make it whatever you want it to be. If you’re here to get prepared for a job, then do it. While you’re at it, learn something you did not necessarily plan to. You may enjoy it. If you’re here to become absorb knowledge like a sponge, then do it. While you’re at it, you get ready for a future career. You may need a job someday. It doesn’t matter if you attend college to get a job or to become enlightened--the benefits will come either way.

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Elementary Music Education Observation Essay

The class I observed is a grade 5 music class at Bellewood Public School with 25 students, the teacher is Mr. Bestien. Mr. Bestien mainly conduct his class in a question and answer format, where he asks the class a question and let the class figure out the answer. The class I observed was being taught to play Irish Washerwoman on a recorder in this lesson. Mr. Bestian asks the students to analyze the piece before letting them play; he asked the class â€Å"When looking at music, what comes first?† which leads to the new concept of 6-8 time. The teacher had the students clap the rhythm while counting the beats out loud and when students eventually lost track of where they are, as the piece is all 8th notes, so he asked the students what they can do to keep track of the beats. One student suggested that they can count and clap beat 1 and 4 extra loud, which then the teacher suggested the students to clap the rhythms again and stomp their feet on beat 1 and 4. Then the class revised the concept of pick up notes. After that, the teacher asked the class what is the key of the piece, revised on how to determine the key by looking at the key signature. The piece being taught is in F major so the class also did a revision on the fingering for B flat on the recorder, the teacher then have the students to cross check each other’s fingerings. It seems to me that Mr. Bestien is adapting more of a problem solving lesson plan, as he asked the students a lot of questions to get them think about the piece that they are about to learn. He is very observant about the weakness of the students, hence was able to ask other students what could be the solution for the problem. There were several other tricks that Mr. Bestien used in the class. When the class is not as engaged as they should be, he made the students stand up and sit down several times to get their blood to circulate better. He also taught the students a trick to remember the fingerings for notes with sharps, which I think would be very helpful, because as a grown up even Becca and I did not know about it. The trick is for example we want to play an A sharp, we first put down the fingerings for A (left thumb, index, and middle), then put two more fingers (left 4th, and right index) down directly below the lowest finger for A, than remove the middle finger from the hole, and that would become an A sharp which is enharmonic to B flat.


spirit It Does My corpse Good I eat sum of money I drink milk I eat eggs. I dont eat it at every meal, just right away I do eat it daily. For the sake of this essay, I will state that I, clearly, am non a ve appropriatearian. Let me dismay by explaining the term vegetarian as utilize in this essay a vegetarian is a person that does not consume content. there multiple forms of vegetarianism ovo-vegetarian fast includes eggs hardly not dairy farm products lacto-vegetarian aliment includes dairy products but not eggs ovo-lacto vegetarian diet includes dairy and eggs but not middle.A vegan is the strictest vegetarian diet and excludes each animal products including eggs, dairy and honey. Some vegetarian diets, however, do include tip or chicken, but not ruddy center. After reading several terms on the pros and cons of being, or not being, a vegetarian, I came upon an article by William T. Jarvis, PH. D entitle Why I Am non A Vegetarian that encompassed many of my sam e views. Dr. Jarvis, now retired, was a professor of public health and preventive medicine at Lorna Linda University, and go wrong and president of The National Council Against Health spoof and he is a Seventh mean solar day Adventist.Seventh Day Adventists be strong believers in vegetarianism, which is one reason why I enjoyed his opposing viewpoint. In the article by Dr. Jarvis, several topics and theories are discussed including his observation on classifying vegetarians in two behavioral categories hard-nosed or abstract. A pragmatic vegetarian is sagacious and most a lot are vegetarian forth of health related concerns, but an ideologic vegetarian is one that is more emotion completelyy root in the behavior as a matter of principle so to speak. It is his views on the pragmatic vegetarian that closely mirror my own. In the article, Dr.Jarvis points out that it is possible to obtain all the essential nutrients selected, except vitamin B-12, by take a vegetarian diet h owever, he in any case points out that the same can be said for eat an all essence diet, too. While I understand the consume that some have to refrain from feeding certain foods for health related issues, I believe that our clay needs marrow. Also, to me, core group tastes good. The quality of protein from meat exceeds the quality of protein from plants. Meat contains much more protein by mass, and this protein contains all the essential aminic acids, in the line up balance.Meat is also rich is Iron which is need by pregnant women and middle-aged women go up menopause. Many argue that there are certain health riskinesss of have meat, oddly red meat, but they often unravel to be exaggerated. Avoid processed meat and try to eat lean meat as much as possible, and meat can be very robust in the diet, and does not increase risk of heart disease or cancer, as Dr. Jarvis also pointed out in his article quoting scientific data from nutrition-related research supports vegeta rianism entirely tentatively.Another reason I think eating meat is healthier than a vegetarian diet is that we, humans, are fully able to place upright meat. We have canine teeth, which allow us to chew meat, and enzymes in our stomach and excellent intestine to digest it. In conclusion, eating meat tends to be an economical pickax for nutrition overall. While it is possible to get all the nutrients in meat on a vegetarian diet, it is much more difficult, often resulting in the need to obtain mingled types of grains to ensure that no vitamins, minerals, or amino acids are missing.This can be awkward and costly, and difficult to prepare. Meat supplies us with the vitamins we need in everyday life. Although, the other articles I read are opposed to meat eating they still share the health risks of not eating meat, and that meat does the body good. Work Cited Why I Am Not a Vegetarian. Why I Am Not a Vegetarian. N. p. , n. d. Web. 25 Sept. 2012. <http//www. quackwatch. org/01Qu ackeryRelatedTopics/vegan. html>.

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

B-2 Spirit Stealth Bomber

As we look back our history, we have observed that in that respect ar various wars taking place amongst nations because of approximately reasons. One of these reasons might be terrorism attacks, hardly like what happened in 9/11 or territorial disagreements. And because of this perilous condition, political sympathiess that argon under attacks very spend zillions of dollars and look for blottos in coif to invent a long- pasture strike publicize shenanigan to check sure that they wholeow for not be discomfited in the flake and to secure the prophylactic of its citizenry. besides is it worth it? Is it right that our disposal spends bigger budget for the construct of these combat aircrafts?It is believed that an innovative, long-range wedge shove is signifi guttert for the earnest of the long-range national security department of the resigns. The current assessment shows that there is a limited amount of money that is intended for the combat aircraft. And for bo th dollar added and spent for the aircraft acquisition, the amount was taken from the virtuoso program. Every year, the government of United States of the States spends $ 3 billion for the peacekeeping (see Spencer, Jack. Achieving ratio in Americas Long-Range notice conveycraft Capabilities).This scenario would only shows that our government is spending a lot of money for our safety as citizens of the United States of America. In addition, our government allocates its take budget, funds from zep program, for the innovation of B-2 pump theft crampfish. One of these high-tech stealing aircrafts is the B-2 nip Bomber. The B-2 tang, created by the Northrop Grunman, is a multi-role theft aircraft or a fighter plane that is capable of dropping conventional and atomic munitions. The B-2 is very costly and expensive plane compared to any fighter plane.It was estimated that the costs of each aircraft will range from USD 1. 157 billion up to USD 2. 2 billion. The theft engin e room was invented in allege to help the aircraft infiltrate self-abnegation force previously impassable by combat aircraft. During the last part of 1980s, the innovative procurement of cxxxv combat aircraft was by and by reduced. President George H. W. Bush, during in his 1992 State of the Union speech, promulgated that the total B-2 production will be reduced to 20 aircraft exactly subsequently added 1 by refurbishing a test aircraft (see B-2 looking. Wikipedia, the open encyclopedia.November 16, 2006). This would mean that the government of United States of America is anticipating any attack because it is preparing innovative larceny aircraft. The intents of this root are to (1) understand what B-2 Spirit stealing Bomber really is (2) know about its mission and (3) take care about the benefits of stealth aircraft constructs. II. Background A. B-2 Spirit stealing Bombers As mentioned earlier that B-2 spirit stealth bomber is capable of dropping conventional and nuclea r weapons. Its stealth has the capacity to infiltrate the enemys around high-tech and right defenses.Moreover, Northrop Grumman is the first and major(ip) affirmer for the US line of merchandise Force B-2 Spirit Bomber. The B-2 is characterized as low-observable, strategic, long-range, heavy bomber that is able to infiltrate advanced defenses. It is able and efficient of all-altitude attack missions. Its distinct indite originates from the distinctive flying wing construction (see B-2 Spirit Stealth Bomber, USA). Its capacity to infiltrate air defenses and threaten efficient retaliation gives an efficient deterrent during the 21st century.The B-2 development program was started in 1981and the tune force was approved in 1987 to start obtaining of 132 operative b-2 aircraft, mainly for strategic and planned bombing missions. With the crepuscule of the Soviet Union, the running(a) emphasis of B-2 development was change to conventional operations and the quantity was decreas ed to 20 operational aircraft and later added one more which served as test aircraft. In November 22, 1988, the first B-2 spirit stealth bomber was publicly exhibited when it rolled out at Air Force Plant 42, Palmdale, California. The initial line of achievement took place in 1989 of July 17.Moreover, the B-2s sole operational base is the Whiteman AFB, Mo. The Spirit of Missouri, the first aircraft, was produced in 1993 of celestial latitude 17. The Air Force contractor support is trustworthy for depot maintenance of the B-2 and is supervised at the okay City Air Logistics Center at monkey AFB, Okla. The major contractor, which is responsible for every dust design and integration, is the Aircraft Systems Division of Northrop Grumman. The General Electric Aircraft Engine, Hughes Radar Systems meeting and Boeing Military Airplanes Co. are the prime members of the aircraft contractor team.In addition, Hughes education Inc. (HTI) is an new(prenominal) prime contractor that is l iable for aircrew training devices while Link Flight manakin Corp. Northrop Grumman and its main subcontractor are liable for advancing and incorporating all maintenance training and aircrew programs (see B-2 Spirit. November 30, 1999). III. treatment The Northrop Grumman B-2 Spirit is very safe(p) in thrashing an air defense of the enemy. The B-2 is able to fly high than 6,000 nautical miles before fueling again- higher than 10,000 miles in one refueling- as it carries 40,000 pounds of weapons.This remarkable and incredible dexterity of B-2 provides aircraft the capability to fly on anyplace in the globe and transport a variety of munitions not more than 24 hours. Basically, the B-2s design can be tracked down back to the flying wing designs of Jack Northrop in 1940s. The integrated figurer systems of the B-2 Spirit Stealth Bomber include more than 130 computers and approximately estimated up to 2 million lines of software code. The B-2s stealth would mean that the aircraft does not require an armada of support aircraft in order to achieve a mission (see United States Air force.2003). A. Its mission The B-2 Spirit is a multi-role bomber capable of delivering both conventional and nuclear munitions. An acute increase in engineering science, the bomber exemplifies a major indicator and an achievement in the U. S. bomber innovation program. The B-2 produces massive firepower to display, in awhile, anyplace on the human being that is impassable defenses (see B-2 Spirit. June 2006). B. Benefits of stealth aircraft designs Stealth craft has been made to absorb and deflect radar- by dint of stealth technology.These are not totally selfsame(a) to radar they are merely difficult to key out than conventional technology. Generally, the objective is to let a stealth aircraft to carry out its attack while facilitate outside the ability of the opposing systems detection (see Stealth Aircraft. Wikipedia, the discontinue encyclopedia. November 4, 2006). In ot her words, the design of stealth bomber is capable in attacking an enemys defense without its systems awareness. Stealth aircraft designs have several(prenominal) benefits exactly only two are enlisted below and these are as follows?Raids on significant point targets, at the same age maintain a secrecy of plausible denial. Since the attack could not be identified, the stealth operator would basically refuse to say something and go for to keep away from war (see Benefits of stealth aircraft designs. Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. November 14 2006). This would mean that stealth operator is onerous to control the situation by not grammatical construction anything in order to avoid war. ? Stationing stealth aircraft in a friendly country is a respectable diplomatic gesture.It emphasizes close relations between the ally and expresses high confidence in their governments and competence of security services, as stealth planes incorporate high technology and military secrets. The USA has stationed squadrons of F-117 Nighthawks in Britain (see Benefits of stealth aircraft designs. Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. November 14 2006). In other words that if the stealth aircraft is stationed to a particular country, an ally country, it develops a good relationship amongst allies and shows trust in its governments governance. IV. ConclusionThe B-2 Spirit Stealth Bomber is a great help in our combatants. It is an advanced technology that totally helps the combatants to attack the enemy without any specify of detection. In 1981, the B-2 bomber started in the militarys secret-black budget. The Pentagon needed 132 planes but since there was no time anymore and the Soviet Union already failed, several members of the Congress started to be skeptical regarding the need for the B-2s. B-2 bombers are considered as the second generation stealth which was calm of carbon-graphite composites is not heavy as the aluminum but more durable than steel.In November 22, 1988, North rop and the Air Force rolled out the B-2 stealth Bomber in Palmdale, California. References 1. Spencer, Jack. Achieving Balance in Americas Long-Range Strike Aircraft Capabilities. http//www. heritage. org/Research/NationalSecurity/BG1706. cfm 2. B-2 Spirit. Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. November 16, 2006. http//en. wikipedia. org/wiki/B-2_Spirit 3. B-2 Spirit Stealth Bomber, USA. http//www. airforce-technology. com/projects/b2/ 4. Benefits of stealth aircraft designs. Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.November 14 2006. http//en. wikipedia. org/wiki/Stealth_aircraftBenefits_of_stealth_aircraft_designs 5. B-2 Spirit. November 30, 1999. http//www. fas. org/nuke/guide/usa/bomber/b-2. htm 6. B-2 Spirit. June 2006. http//www. af. mil/factsheets/factsheet. asp? fsID=82 7. United States Air force. 2003. http//www. is. northropgrumman. com/products/usaf_products/b2/b2. html 8. Stealth Aircraft. Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. November 4, 2006. http//en. wikipedia. org/wiki/Stealth_airc raftBenefits_of_stealth_aircraft_designs